About us!

Patrick and Tara Mudimbi

Shilo Foundation Project, Inc


Patrick and Tara Mudimbi – Both U.S. military veterans, having served over 20 years, are moving eagerly with a drive and a passion to make real change; we know the future is an exciting new path!

Patrick, a native of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), relocated to the United States in his early twenties in hopes of a “better life”. With his faith in God guiding him every step of the way and staying focused, he has accomplished and overcome many hurdles, to include achieving his dream of being a military officer. However, his original dream, near and dear to his heart for many years, has been focused on returning to the DRC with the knowledge and experience he has gained in the U.S. in hopes of transforming his homeland.

Together with his wife, Tara, eager to see and live in the land of her ancestors and be part of the movement to Make Africa Great, are moving forward to make progress towards that goal as well as inspire and encourage the African Diaspora around the world to return home and unite!

We are followers of Jesus Christ and saved by His grace! We believe His Word dictates that we are to obey and give glory to Him with a giving and loving heart, by first loving Him with all our hearts, souls and minds and loving our neighbors as ourselves! (according to Matt. 5:16, Matt. 22:37-40, Matt. 25:34-40 & John 14:15)

O Lord, thou shalt recompense them on my behalf: thy mercy, O Lord, endures for ever: overlook not the works of thine hands.

*Psalm 138:8*

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Beautiful View
a beautiful mind