The Beginning

Develop Maluku!

The first venture of the Shilo Foundation Project!

Follow the transformation of Maluku!

“We started in a small town, some call it even a village, in Maluku; Tomorrow we will sit with the greats of this country and this world, with a skyscraper as our headquarters in the very center of Kinshasa. Our God is not looking for strong or powerful people. He is looking for a few He can communicate His vision. The world of darkness is afraid of those who have the vision of God. For this vision overthrows poverty, insecurity, and disease and leads many to turn to Our Savior when they see the manifestation of the glory of our God, the God of Shilo. God bless Shilo. Amen!”

~Patrick Mudimbi, Founder


We endeavor with goodness and love to make progress one project at a time in the development of self-sustaining communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We associate with those who are passionate about a present and future generation of a prosperous and self-sustaining Africa. We aspire and encourage others, such as African Diaspora around the world, to unite in achievement of this movement.


To have faith in and be a reflection of God’s goodness and love in the transformation of Congolese communities; we endeavor to be excellent while seeking continuous improvement and be an overcomer of every challenge with positivity and innovation. 

O Lord, thou shalt recompense them on my behalf: thy mercy, O Lord, endures for ever: overlook not the works of thine hands.

*Psalm 138:8*


A small town of Maluku is home for over 2000 people situated on Northern side of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, 30 minutes from the main Airport of Ndjili. The town has no water, no electricity, no clinic, or local stores where the inhabitants can resupply.  Drinking water is often transported or purchased from the nearest town. Unable to determine if the water coming into town is potable or has been tested for microbial and toxins and with limited laboratories to do water analysis and a lax regulation, the population consumes water at their own risk. The city of Kinshasa has a population of approximately 14 million people, and the water system is inadequate to sustain the large growing city, even less in remote parts outside of the city, such as Maluku.  People who can afford it, will purchase bottled water or dig water wells (this is very expensive), others may resolve to drinking unfiltered water from the Congo River, which usually causes illness.

Many Challenges Ahead

While the town faces many challenges, our current goal is to drill a water well and build a water tower large enough to provide the potable drinking water needed to sustain the community in this small town,  We are asking for assistance in this endeavor. We have already contributed much of our own money, but this project is just the beginning. Will you donate to help us provide clean, potable drinking water to the people of Maluku?


Steps to developing a sustainable Maluku and its inhabitants…

Secure Land

For farming and industrial use, we have secured the land, but first we need water.

Drill for Water

To reach water, we must drill over 180 meters deep. The water pump will be powered by 20 KW solar panels. We anticipate the cost for drilling and pump installation to be approximately $30K for labor and supplies.

Build a Water Tower Support Structure

A solid foundation and a concrete and metal structure will be needed to support a 50K liter water tank.  The support structure needs to be elevated 10 feet above the ground to build pressure and allow the water to flow easily. The anticipated cost for this phase is approximately $24K.

Distribution of Water

The final phase includes installation of underground piping to transport the water. The cost estimate of this phase has not yet been determined.

Continue to follow and support us!

Future Vision

To create an economically prosperous and self-sustained community that will serve as a model to the rest of the country.

picking cocoa beans

“For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another. But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.”

TitUS 3:3-7


Solar power for all structures


Financial Stability for Families

Future Endeavors

Future endeavors will create job opportunities for the local populace to gain a sustainable income.




Edible Insects



Coal Briquettes


